Synopsis of Management Committee Meetings
Synopsis of Management Committee Meeting
1. Grant application is being progressed by The Captain & the Course Committee at outline stage and hopefully, moving to design stage shortly.
2. Course:
• Private Buggies: The Gardai have reviewed the CCTV footage & have included the area in their patrolling. A New floodlight has been installed for the buggy area & a new CCTV was installed on Wednesday 11th April at a cost of €1,500. The CCTV footage of the last incident has been put up on Facebook & has had several thousand hits on it. An email has issued to all members.
• Rangers: A Request for volunteers has been put up in Locker Rooms.
• Signage on Course: Some basic signs have been ordered.
3. House: We are continuing to keep the catering under review. Limited bar food is available & a bar menu is in operation.
4. Finance: Because of the bad weather, payments of subs are behind. Expenses are still there & some like insurance are up, so we need to put a push on to collect subs & hopefully, with good weather, have more money coming in from societies, green fees, & competitions.
5. Marketing: A draft report is being refined down to prioritise items to move them to active projects.
6. Social: We had a lovely night last Friday with the Remembrance Service tying in with a traditional music night, and music being enjoyed until late. Plans are in train for another night – hopefully 4th May – & the Social Committee is working on a few other events for the summer.
7. CGI: The proposed date for the EGM was moved to Sunday 29nd April. A new Constitution is being worked on & will be available for members shortly. The Management Committee is anxious to proceed on 29th April, but the draft Constitution is with the Solicitor for clearance.
8. Juniors: Lady President Maeve McCauley is the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) for the Club. Junior Convenor for the girls is Emer McGrath. We have a vacancy for Junior Convenor for the boys. We need some new male volunteers. All volunteers for Junior golf must have Garda vetting & have done Safeguarding course.
Teresa Bailey on behalf of the Management Committee 13th April 2018
Synopsis of Management Committee Meeting
1. Grant application has been successful on appeal in that €58,000 (half the amount applied for) has been provisionally allocated for upgrading 4 greens to sandbased. The Captain & the Course Committee will progress the matter further, while the physical signs of commencement of the work will happen in the autumn.
2. Donation from Irish Aviation Authority – A cheque of €3,500 has been received thanks to the work of Jack Murphy & Johnny Fox
3. Course:
• Sanding has been deferred to September
• Hollowtyning has commenced & will continue this month
• The Sewage problem has been fixed
• A new member has been added to the course staff.
• Private Buggies: PJ Murphy & Christy O’Connor are reviewing this matter.
Thanks to P.J Dempsey & his staff for all their work especially during the snow.
4. House
• Utility & other costs are under review with the purpose of getting best value for the club.
• Cleaning: We wished Joan a happy retirement & welcomed Ciara Tobin who is already doing a very good job. The Bar staff will be responsible for cleaning of all of upstairs floor.
• Catering: The Committee & Hon Sec is working to get a satisfactory system in place. Between now & 31st April, limited bar food e.g. soup & sandwiches etc. will be available on Tuesdays
• Bar Hours: Between now & 31st April, the bar will be kept open for 1 hour after sunset.
5. Marketing: Thanks to the Marketing Committee who organised the reciprocal arrangements with the
4 clubs.
6. Social: John Byrne is looking at organising 3 to 4 events during the year. He is organising an online survey.
7. CGI: The proposed date for the EGM is Sunday 22nd April. A new Constitution is being worked on & will be available for members shortly.
8. Sub Committees
• House: Christy O’Connor; Maeve McCauley, Senan Lillis
• Course: P.J.Murphy; P.J.Dempsey; Joe Murphy, Marie Duggan
• Marketing: Liz Browne, John Byrne, Tom Furlong; Stephen Fitzpatrick; Phil Sewell
• Finance: John Casey; Chris Timmons; Connie Doyle
• Social John Byrne & Senan Lillis ( Volunteers being sought to help organise & run the events)
Teresa Bailey on behalf of the Management Committee 21st March 2018